Final Conference PACE-VET

13. November 2024

10:00 - 11:00


Webmeeting via MS Teams

The basic idea of the Erasmus+ project ‘Partial Certification in the Vocational Field of Event Technician’, or PACE-VET for short, is to provide a digital infrastructure to make competences visible at European level and to enable a certification process.
This is a particular opportunity for people who do not have a (nationally recognised) qualification.

Why event technology?
It’s a relatively small yet highly complex field of work that requires a wide range of competences. In previous Erasmus+ projects a very good basis has already been created for recording these competences. The findings can also be transferred to other areas of work.

Why competences?
A solid specialized knowledge is the basis for the competent performance of tasks, but the crucial point is whether one can really perform a task, not whether only knowing how to do so.

Why a European approach?
The labour market is international, especially in the event sector.
However, training and further education programmes differ from country to country and qualifications only provide an indication of the reproducibility of acquired knowledge. The results of the PACE-VET project can be used to make a statement about a person’s abilities.

The project is now drawing to a close.
The final PACE-VET multiplier event will take place virtually via an international online conference.

Open discussions with experts/stakeholders are on the agenda as well as the presentation of the entire process and its results.

Participation is free of charge, members and interested parties of BF/M-Bayreuth are cordially invited.
You are welcome to forward this event notice to interested parties.

We look forward to seeing you and to a lively dialogue!

Final Conference PACE-VET

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